Monday, June 13, 2011

月牙湖夜上海 (Crescent Moon Shanghai Night?) - Amazing Shanghai-style food

This was a memorable lunch in Nanjing. I was treated at this amazing restaurant. it's next to a historical wall and a big lake...such a poetic location. i wish i can live there!! every dish was memorable...gosh i would go to Nanjing just to eat here again!

this individual bowl size soup was so delicious - not oily nor salty.  after you try it, you'll just feel like you'll live 100 more years! it has quail eggs inside!

amazing beef dish! full of flavor! again, perfection!

individual rice dish - very very flavorful. i think it was abalone slice on top. ..i cannot remember ::embarrassed::

amazing fish. although it had some bones, but it was definitely a special fish! very tender! delicious! must try! apparently it's a local fish, you won't find it anywhere outside of nanjing!

string beans - with bits of foie gras - i usually don't like goose liver but it tasted delicious and delicate.

turnip slices - A-MAY-ZING...i promise you that you will find another turnip dish like this EVER!! must must must try! it's crispy and not oily at all!

very very pretty place!
next time i bring any friends or relatives to nanjing, i will take them to dine here!!! definitely a great place to take clients too!

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