Sunday, June 26, 2011

Maxim's Palace - @ Sheung Wan

I went to Maxim's Palace for dinner again last week, but this time I went to a new location at Sheung Wan. The food there was exceptional once again. I loved every dish and it was not expensive considering we had lobsters, abalone slices and other delicious seafood.  The lobster was very flavorful and tasted very fresh. the abalone and mushroom and bok choy dish was exceptional done well. the mushroom was not too hard like other places. i loved the mushroom so much! We had around 10 dishes and the total bill came out to be around $900 HKD!  definitely recommend it for anyone that's in HK!

abalone with mushroom and bok choy - one of my favorite dishes.

seafood soup

cuttlefish ball

some sort of fish, no bones in those filets!! love it.

i am not a fan of fermented veggies (酶菜), this had some of those ferment veggies on top of the green leaves -- ehh, not a fan but everyone else loved it.

this dessert was very good too! tasted like coconut and some nuts and other healthy ingredients. <3

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