Sunday, June 19, 2011

Haagen Dazs Green Tea Crispy Sandwich! Delicious!

On a sizzling hot and humid summer day in HK, all I want to do is to live inside a refrigerator....or surround myself with ice creams! Luckily there is a 7-11 in front my place. I wanted an ice cream bar but ended up getting a Haagen Daza Green Tea Crispy Sandwich. It was SOOO GOOD! i have never had this flavor before in the U.S.  So I thought why not, let's try it. it was significantly expensive than the other brands. I also bought a Nestle brand dark chocolate bar (it was $10HKD for two!!!!) unbelievably cheap and also very delicious!

Back to this amazing green tea sandwich ice cream. the green tea flavor is very authentic but not too strong like some other places. it really is crispy on the outside!! I loved it. I wanted to eat more but it was around $30 HKD for just one!! I can buy 6 of those Nestle bars!!! 

Anyway, it was definitely worth it and I think everyone who enjoys green tea flavor will love this ice cream!

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